A company registration number is defined as a unique combination of numbers and letters. In some cases, it is also known as the company number, registration number, or simply abbreviated to CRN. The company number is used as the identification of a company. It also verifies the fact that it is an entity registered with Companies House.
The company House automatically gives the company number on the formation of a company. The limited partnerships can register at Companies House and therefore have a unique reference.
You cannot reserve a particular number. Also, you can’t change it. Even if the company changes its name, it’s business activities, its directors, and shareholders. The company number will remain the name.
The company registration number consists of 8 characters. If a company registered in England and Wales, which makes the majority on the company register. They have an 8 digit registration number starting with 0. The starting zero omits in some places. A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) in England and Wales will begin with ‘OC’ followed by 6 numbers.
The registration number for limited companies in Scotland starts with ‘SC’ followed by 6 digits. whereas, the format for Scottish LLPs begins with ‘SO’ followed by 6 digits.
Similarly, limited companies in Northern Ireland start with ‘NI’ followed by 6 digits. There are also some older Northern Irish companies with company registration numbers beginning ‘R’ followed by 7 digits, but no new numbers are issued on this basis. Limited Liability Partnership firms registered in Northern Ireland have references beginning ‘NC’ followed by 6 numbers. The following is the sample of registration numbers.
You can find your company registration number in several places:
You need to provide your company number on a lot of occasions, as works as the identity of that company.
You’ll need to quote the company registration number when doing any of the following work at Companies House:
Companies House also asks for the registration number if you have any inquiries.
Apply for Private Limited Company Registration today.
In the same way, you’ll need to quote the company registration number to HMRC when:
When communicating about other inquiries to HMRC, always mention the company number.
Some other places where you need to mention company number:
Other occasions on which you’d quote the company’s registration number included
The law requires the LLP to show the registration number on all the stationery and documents, including:
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